07554 958443

Hypnotherapy by
Scott Lawrence Dip. CAH
Welcome to the Scott Lawrence Hypnotherapy Website. I am a fully qualified hypnotherapist working in the north of Scotland, I am based in Moray, only 30 minutes from Inverness and 15 minutes from Elgin. I have been a fully qualified hypnotherapist for 7 years,
people see me for a variety of reasons, some of the most common are-
fears and phobias
to help stop smoking
lose weight
deal with unwanted feelings of anxiety/stress/depression
breaking habits
and so much more
This site Aims to provide you with all the information you need to be able to book a hypnotherapy session with confidence and also provide you with the knowledge that you are capable of making whatever changes you want to improve your life. If you have any queries please get in touch via the contact me page and i will happily answer any questions.
“The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body.”
Dr Bruce Lipton

What is Hypnotherapy?
(or my version of it at least)
If you ask 100 Hypnotherapists this question you may well get 100 different answers, So instead of trying to give you a detailed scientific definition- I'll just tell you what I do and how I help people. Without being too obvious, hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnotic techniques to help people achieve changes in their life. Although there is a little overlap in the techniques used... HYPNOTHERAPY IS NOT STAGE HYPNOSIS, you can't be made to dance like a chicken or burst into song Elvis style.... unless that's what you want! In fact you cannot be made to do anything. Hypnotherapy is a completely consensual, confidential, complimentary experience and as the client you have the control and the choice to do what you want throughout. The whole process is based around the fact that you want to change a behaviour/feeling and that together we can make that happen. It can be as simple as sitting here talking and listening to me whilst being open enough to allow whatever changes you want to occur and accepting these changes can improve your life.
If you have any questions about hypnotherapy in general or Scott Lawrence Hypnotherapy specifically please use the form below or the contact page on the website. I am more than happy to put your mind at ease.
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07554 958443